Okay, so I went to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and even my Tumblr to seek some suggestions about some lenses. My mom had this Cannon Rebel T3i since 2012 and she never used it, so I took this beauty under my wing lol. Anyways, I never took the time to invest in new lenses for it because I was just learning how to use this camera.The lens that came with this camera was a great start for me. It honestly took me a few months to master and I'm happy that it was a simple lens. The lens is an EFS 18-55mm lens with an image stabilizer attached. I've always had little digital camera's, My camera of choice was a Cannon Powershot but when I upgraded to this DSLR it was hard at first. Now i'm looking for a new challenge. What are some great lenses that I can invest in? I know most lenses start off in the $200-$300 range so I know I will need to break some serious bank If I want to really gain more skill in photography. I taught myself everything when it comes to photography, but learning from people with more experience is a major PLUS!!!!